LAFD Wildfire Emergency Funding Alert
Emergency Funding Alert – Your local LAFD firefighters need your help to save lives and protect property during this wildfire. The LAFD Foundation is actively seeking funds to equip our LAFD members battling wildfires with equipment and supplies such as:
• EMERGENCY FIRE SHELTERS – These personal fire shelters are deployed when the unthinkable happens and firefighters become overrun by flames. These light, compact shelters are designed to reflect radiant heat, protect against convective heat, and trap breathable air within.
• HYDRATION BACKPACKS - Firefighters can be on the front lines of a wildfire for up to 12 hours. These unique backpacks carry three quarts of water and are vital to keeping firefighters healthy on the fire line.
• WILDLAND BRUSH TOOLS – Clearing fire roads and creating natural barriers to slow the spread of fire is a necessary but labor-intensive and exhausting process. These light and durable hand tools are specially designed to help ground crews cut through tree limbs, clear brush overgrowth, and remove potential fuel sources.